
WiSER hosts multiple events throughout the year to keep our audience informed and engaged. Together with partners and sponsors, we have hosted over 100 events and made impact on over 2000 individuals in the STEM community. Below are some of our pillar programs.

UA-WiSE/WiSER Mentorship Program

The Mentorship Program was launched in September 2015 in collaboration with UA-WiSE to help mentees build their careers in STEM-related fields. The program spans for 8 months and runs from September to March on a yearly basis. The program’s unique trio structure means that each mentor-mentee group consists of an undergraduate student, a graduate student or an early-career professional, and an experienced professional. The graduate student/early-career professional mentored by the experienced professional is in turn mentoring the undergraduate student. Find out more about the program here >>

Industry Mixer

Industry mixers bring together undergraduate students, graduate students, and early-career professionals to speak with industry professionals and learn about the landscape of a variety of industries. On average, over 150 participates and over 15 companies or organizations participate in the industry mixer every year. This event is a great opportunity for individuals to expand network and foster professional connections.

Industry Crawl

Similar idea to a pub crawl, WiSER takes participants who are thirsty for knowledge through the offices of different STEM-related companies at Edmonton Research Park. Attendees can discover new potential paths and cool current projects in the local STEM industry. Past participating companies include Advanced Technology Centre, ALS Environmental, Syncrude, InnoTech Alberta, C-FER Technologies, Micralyne, Alberta Centre for Advanced MNT Products, and Quantium Technologies.

Personal & Professional Development Workshops

WiSER surveys our audience in order to learn what topics the community is most interested in. In the past, we have hosted 2-hour, half-day, to full-day workshops. Some of the topics we covered include negotiation skills, leadership styles, human rights and gender discrimination, communication and personality assessment, entrepreneurship, resume and interview tips, project management, etc.

Seminars and Panel Discussions

Seminars and panel discussions are aimed to address certain topics. We ensure that the discussions to be informative, interactive, and thought-provoking. Some topics from past discussions include managing career transition, work-life balance, networking strategies, gender diversity in the workplace, mental health awareness, learning from HR managers, etc.

Summer BBQ

This family-friendly event is a retreat for the whole community in the summer. We prepare food, beverages, and games for all participants. The theme of the BBQ has been work-life balance, emphasizing the importance of well-roundedness throughout one’s career.

© 2021 WiSER (Women in Science, Engineering & Research)
295 Central Academic Building, 11324 – 89 Ave NW, Edmonton AB T6G 2G1 / wiser@ualberta.ca